Photolog 2020: Day 143 of 366

Friday, May 22, 2020

A delightful after-work (social-distanced) treat with my friend Katherine to celebrate another long weekend (I start working Tuesday to Saturday next week, so I have this coming Monday off), the passing of my 90-day probation at work (which is why I start working from home next week), the end of having to wake up at 5:00AM for work (aside from starting WFH on Tuesday, I also start my 4-midnight shifts), and the closing of my new condo (which I've waited 5 years for, and why I had to meet up with Katherine today — aside from being my oldest friend, she's also my real estate lawyer). And no, that's not pee, that's a nice, refreshing iced peach green tea from OneZo. It was 28°C out today and for some reason, that always makes me want cold, fruity tea. Happy Fri-yay!
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