Friday Five: Grace

Friday, May 22, 2020
This week's Friday Five:
  1. When most recently did someone show you unexpected courtesy? At work, I was on a call that ran late and one of my co-workers stayed behind just to help me bring all my work from home equipment to my car.

  2. What were you most recently forgiven for? Honestly, I don't remember. I haven't really done anything recently that I had to be forgiven for.

  3. What did someone most recently buy for you? My friend Katherine bought me a bubble tea today!

  4. What did someone most recently make for you? Hmm... my mom made dinner for me last night, does that count?

  5. Who could you probably be a bit nicer to? My mom.
2 comments on "Friday Five: Grace"
  1. A friend who buys you boba is a good friend. :) When people lately ask me what I miss, my first answer is usually "Sitting in boba shops."

    1. FACTS.

      I also really miss boba. I didn't realize what a big part of my social life boba was until this pandemic. :(


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