Makeup and Beauty Blog: Monday Poll, Vol. 626

Monday, May 11, 2020
This week's Monday Poll:
  1. Olives or ice cream? Ice cream. I really only like olives on pizza.

  2. Hair spray or hair gel? Hair spray.

  3. Creamy or crunchy peanut butter? Creamy. But I won't say no to crunchy. I just love peanut butter.

  4. Cream or powder products? Powder.

  5. Handwritten or typed out? Handwritten for notes and personal greetings like letters or cards (which is rare, granted, but handwriting is still charming). I also still keep an agenda rather than use the Calendar app on my phone, so I obviously handwrite for that. But typed out for everything else because it's way more efficient.

  6. Frizzy or fine? I suppose my hair would lean more towards frizzy than fine, but it's kinda neither.

  7. Chaos or quiet? Quiet. The only time I like chaos is at a concert. And then it's expected to be chaotic. (Is there even such a thing as a quiet concert?)

  8. Manicure or pedicure? Manicure, I guess. I don't get either done, to be honest, but I'm not big on strangers touching my feet. Plus, I rarely ever show my toes outside of my house, anyway.

  9. Pudding or Jello? Hmm... I guess pudding. Although I don't really eat either on a regular basis, nor are they my go-tos when it comes to desserts.

  10. Culottes or capris? YIKES. NEITHER.

  11. A bicycle built for two or a unicycle? I guess a bicycle for two 'cause I'd be totally useless on a unicycle.

  12. Daisies or tulips? Tulips. Unless they're gerbera daisies.

  13. Bacon or pizza? Pizza. God, I love pizza. (If you couldn't tell.) Plus, pizza can have bacon on it.

  14. Sandwiches cut into rectangles or triangles? Aesthetically, I'd say triangles. Though at the end of the day, I don't care as long as I get to eat them.

  15. Hula hoop or jump rope? Hula hoop, I guess? I don't do either, really, but jump rope is torture.
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