Friday Five: Smallifying

Friday, August 23, 2019
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What mini version of a popular snack food is better than its original? Timbits. (Or doughnut holes to anyone else who lives outside of Canada.) For some reason, I'm totally indifferent to doughnuts, but I can eat like, eight Timbits in one sitting (which is pretty much equivalent to two doughnuts, so these suckers are pretty dangerous). I also prefer Pablo's mini cheese tarts to the original. The ratio of filling to crust is way more satisfying.

  2. What mini version of a popular snack food is not as good as its original? Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

  3. What food, not yet miniaturized as far as you know, might make a great hors d'oeuvre for parties? Mini seafood pajeon.

  4. What snack food might be better in a giant size? Nothing I can think of. Snack foods are all about ratios, and I think making a giant version of something that was initially meant to be small/mini would totally ruin the amount of flavour you're meant to get in every bite.

  5. What five mini-scoops of ice cream flavours would go really well together? Coffee, hazelnut, pistachio, dark chocolate, and raspberry.
3 comments on "Friday Five: Smallifying"
  1. Ah man. I swear I answered the questions before I read your responses! :)

    If I ever travel to Canada, it will specifically be for two reasons: See the Blue Jays and eat some Timbits. Kevin Smith got me hooked on the idea.

    1. Lol, y'all don't have doughnut holes? I mean, I don't know if Timbits taste better than other types, but it's really the only option we have. (They are, however, very good.) I'm also not a huge baseball fan, so I never really cared about the Blue Jays (except for in '92, 'cause that's when they won the World Series, but I was like, 5, so I don't remember much of it, lol). Right now, the Raptors are a huge deal here because they just won the Championship, lol.

      How'd Kevin Smith get you hooked on the idea?

    2. Yeah we have doughnut holes, but Kevin Smith does these Q&A shows (they're super entertaining) and releases them (or sometimes compilations of them) on DVD. One of them was filmed in Canada and he waxed poetic about Timbits and DeGrassi, of which he's an enormous fan and even guest-starred on. Just the way he went on about them made me determined to make it to Canada some day. :)


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