Photolog 2019: Day 166 of 365

Saturday, June 15, 2019
MAC Electric Wonder

MAC Electric Wonder

MAC Electric Wonder Ignite Wonder Face Palette

MAC Electric Wonder Ignite Wonder Face Palette

MAC Electric Wonder Iridescent Powders

MAC Electric Wonder Iridescent Powder in Serenity Seeker and Into Eternity

MAC Electric Wonder Lipsticks

MAC Electric Wonder Lipstick in Let's Mesa Around and The Naturalist

I caved and bought a bunch of stuff from MAC's summer collection, Electric Wonder. They were too pretty to pass up. MAC is on fire this year with the colours and packaging. This year's summer collection features a gorgeous white, lilac, and grey marbling with gold accents, and it might honestly be the nicest packaging I've seen so far over the past few years. Also, MAC finally released a face palette! I hope they'll release palettes like these permanently. Honestly, it's about time.
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