MAC's spring collection, Boom Boom Bloom, was released today and it is stunning. I haven't been excited about a MAC collection in a long, long time, but this has got to be one of the nicest collections to come out in the last couple years. Just from a purely aesthetic point of view, MAC really exceeded expectations; the white background with the pink cherry blossom petals floating throughout celebrates femininity and the change of seasons so perfectly, but they didn't go the delicate, saccharine, pastel route that we tend to see everywhere this time of year.

MAC Boom Boom Bloom

MAC Boom Boom Bloom Eyeshadow x 9 in Kabuki Doll

MAC Boom Boom Bloom High-Light Powder in Fleur Real

MAC Boom Boom Bloom High-Light Powder in Spring Bling
My picks from Boom Boom Bloom are the new cherry blossom-scented Fix+, the Eyeshadow x 9 Palette in Kabuki Doll, and both High-Light Powders in Fleur Real and Spring Bling. The star product of the entire collection is, of course, the Fleur Real High-Light Powder, which has the most beautiful ombre shading I have ever seen on a piece of makeup. It looks like pure art, which almost makes the fact that it's an overlay forgivable. Now, the only problem is, can I actually bring myself to use them?

My picks from Boom Boom Bloom are the new cherry blossom-scented Fix+, the Eyeshadow x 9 Palette in Kabuki Doll, and both High-Light Powders in Fleur Real and Spring Bling. The star product of the entire collection is, of course, the Fleur Real High-Light Powder, which has the most beautiful ombre shading I have ever seen on a piece of makeup. It looks like pure art, which almost makes the fact that it's an overlay forgivable. Now, the only problem is, can I actually bring myself to use them?
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