Makeup and Beauty Blog: Monday Poll, Vol. 566

Monday, March 4, 2019
This week's Monday Poll:
  1. Have you ever dyed your hair red? Nah. Though I admire those who can pull it off (and it looks phenomenal on many), it's not my first choice in hair colour for myself. I'm generally more drawn to cool tones, like turquoise, blue, purple. I'd even go magenta before red.

  2. Liquid or cream concealer? Liquid, all the way.

  3. How well would you do if you only had one minute to apply your foundation? Oh, swimmingly. I use powder foundation because I don't want to spend more than a minute on my foundation.

  4. What did you have for breakfast? Multi-grain toast with hummus and tea.

  5. Would you rather get your hair permed or your brows microbladed? Brows microbladed. I've been contemplating it for a little while, actually. I just don't have that kind of time or commitment to get it done right now.
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