Photolog 2019: Day 53 of 365

Friday, February 22, 2019

Okay, so just because I've become a hardcore BTS fan over the past couple years, it doesn't mean that I've abandoned my musical roots. Alexisonfire announced two shows at Budweiser Stage this June, and because I missed their shows last year (they were sold out within minutes and I refused to pay $200+ from scalpers for a band that I used to see for $20), I really wanted to see them this time around. They've done a handful of shows since their "reunion" in 2015, but they finally came out with a new song after like, a decade, so I guess that's why they're doing a round of concerts this year. Now, as they're Toronto's screamo sweethearts, tickets for their original show sold out fast — I had a pre-sell code and there were only nosebleed sections left 20 minutes after tickets were released. But they added a second show today due to high demand, and I managed to get three 200 section seats. So, yeah, I'm gonna live out my high school days all over again. Bring on the nostalgia.
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