Happy Family Day! (This is an Ontario-specific stat holiday, so I had the day off.) Went to the Asian supermarket with my mom to walk around this afternoon and, believe it or not, I actually didn't do any snack shopping. (There are currently too many snacks in my house. I didn't think it was possible, but my pantry says otherwise.) I did, however, pick up two packs of Yakult because I was feeling nostalgic. (My mom was like, "Since when do you drink Yakult? I haven't seen you drink this since you were a kid.") I've been obsessed with Yakult mixed drinks at bubble tea places, but I forgot just how good Yakult was just on its own. I should've bought more 'cause I can murk one of these in like, three sips. I'll buy a case of them next time. Anyway, I've literally spent the rest of my day painting my nails and watching Sky Castle, so it's been a good time.
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