BANGTAN BOMB: BTS Prom Party (Unit Stage Behind) — Jimin & Jungkook

Monday, December 24, 2018

It only took them five fucking months but they finally released the behind the scenes video for Jimin and Jungkook's "Black or White" stage at the BTS Prom Party for this year's Festa. They released every other unit's behind video except for this one because of copyright issues of using Michael Jackson's song, but there were so many ways around this, like muting the music or using another song to cover the track (which is what they ended up doing for this video). They could've done the same thing for the actual Prom Party replay, but they cut Jimin and Jungkook's entire stage instead, which was really upsetting to those of us who couldn't catch it live and paid to watch it. (I had to find fan-uploaded videos to watch that stage, so thanks to all those diligent ARMYs who actually had the sense to record the whole Prom Party when it was streamed live.) I remember fans were up in arms about this, literally messaging BigHit for months to release this behind video and telling them all the different ways they could upload it without getting copyright strikes. I guess they finally got sick of the harassment and released this to appease us. So merry early Christmas to all my fellow Jikookers!
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