Saturday Nine: G.I. Blues (1960)

Saturday, May 26, 2018
This week's Saturday Nine:

You can hear this week's song here.
  1. Are you a veteran? Are there veterans in your family? Do you know anyone who is active military? No; not that I know of; and no.

  2. In this song, Elvis sings about marching, and complains that the Army doesn't give Purple Hearts for fallen arches. Do you have any aches or pains to report this morning? I did wake up with a pretty bad neck cramp but I took an Advil and did some neck stretching exercises and it has gone away for now.

  3. This song is from the 1960 film of the same name. In the movie, Elvis is in The 32nd Armor Regiment of the United States Army. That's the same regiment he served with in real life. He had the 32nd written into the script as a shout-out to the soldiers he came to know, but realized he'd likely never see again. Is there an old friend you're missing this weekend? I do miss my old friend Ben. He called me on my birthday last year, but I haven't seen him in years.

  4. Memorial Day kicks off the summer season. What's your favourite picnic food? It's occurred to me that I haven't been on a picnic since I was a kid. I go to more BBQs than true picnics. But I guess I'd pick pasta or potato salad. Also watermelon.

  5. Let's celebrate the Memorial Day holiday with ice cream. What's your favourite flavour? Cone or cup? My favourite flavour is Häagen-Dazs Coffee. I've only ever had it in pints, so I guess cup... but I would never say no to it in a cone.

  6. This marks the weekend when Americans step up their outdoor activity and do things they may not have been able to do during the winter months. For example, when is the last time you applied mosquito repellent? Last summer, at Chelsea's cottage.

  7. Or swam? Two summers ago, at Chelsea's cottage. But I wouldn't have called it swimming so much as gently wading in a lake.

  8. As you answer these questions, is there an air conditioner or fan on? The air conditioner is on.

  9. Random question: How do you define success? I guess when you've achieved all your goals. But I believe that people should always have a new goal to achieve, so I think success is on-going and ultimately unquantifiable. 
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