Makeup and Beauty Blog: Monday Poll, Vol. 515

Monday, March 12, 2018
This week's Monday Poll:
  1. What makes you a strong person? Perseverance.

  2. What are the parts you rush through when you're doing your makeup? Foundation. I spend more time and attention to my eye makeup, so I use powder foundation because it's fast and requires minimal blending.

  3. Last thing you bought and loved but probably didn't need? Er, pretty much any of my BTS merch. Most recently, it would have to be these albums. I have Apple Music so I already have all of BTS' albums on my iTunes, but the collector in me wanted to get the physical copies (which are freaking beautiful). And not only did I want physical copies, I wanted to get every single version of every single album. It's expensive, and I am crazy.

  4. Unicorns or mermaids? Unicorns. They're far more majestic. Plus, with the exception of The Little Mermaid, mermaids are actually supposed to be quite sinister.

  5. What's something nice someone did for you recently? My manager bought me a cheeseburger a couple days ago because I was having a hard day at work and she knows the way to my heart.

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