Makeup and Beauty Blog: Monday Poll, Vol. 512

Monday, February 19, 2018
This week's Monday Poll:
  1. White nail polish or black nail polish? Black. I'm not a huge fan of light nail colours on myself. Also because I'm a smoker, and light nail colours yellow really fast. Not pretty.

  2. What are you striving for today? Relax. It's Family Day, so I have today off. I think I might marathon-play The Sims 4.

  3. Have you ever shouted at a stranger? Yes. I don't normally because I like to think that I have great control of my emotions in public, but this woman provoked me. It was a couple of years ago at The Ex. This ratchet bitch hit me with her kid's stroller and, without apologizing, proceeded to roll it over my foot. I said, "Please watch where you're going." (I am always polite at first.) And then she proceeded to swear at me. So I used strings of creative insults, to which she could only swear back as a simpleton, while her child was watching this exchange. So I made a comment about swearing in front of her child and insulted her parenting skills (yes, a low blow) until her husband/boyfriend/baby daddy apologized to me and dragged her away.

  4. Coffee or wine? Coffee, always. I don't drink, anyway. Plus, I hate wine.

  5. What's one thing that dramatically improved the state of your hair? Not dyeing it.

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