Photolog 2018: Day 7 of 365

Sunday, January 7, 2018

I usually bring lunch to work because I think buying lunch everyday from a food court or food truck is a serious money suck, but I give myself a "treat day" once a week, which is usually a day where I have to get up really early and am far too lazy to make lunch. As it's Sunday and I got four hours of sleep before heading to work, I knew today was going to be my treat day. Without fail, I always get the shrimp tacos with chipotle sauce from Z-Teca. People usually go for the chicken or the steak, but the shrimp is where it's at. They cook it to order so it's fresh and piping hot every time. And they douse it with some buttery sauce that makes them extra delightful. Honestly, these were the highlight of my day.
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