Friday Five: Off Balance

Friday, July 28, 2017
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What most recently made you giddy? Getting all the packages in the mail! I may have done some hefty online shopping last week (including a couple Ciaté blushes and highlighters from Sephora, a ton of ILNP and Cirque nail polishes from Nail Polish Canada, and a pair of Hidden Hills sunglasses from Quay Australia) and they all arrived in the last two days.

  2. What most recently left you agog? I just got accepted on to the Artist Testing Panel for my company, so I'm excited to see what kind of product I will be testing for the next year. And on a totally different note, I am also really excited to watch Atomic Blonde.

  3. What most recently left you aghast? The death of Chester Bennington. I am still in mourning.

  4. What in your life is the most higgledy-piggledy? Work. My boss is on vacation this week so I've been in charge of everything and there is just so much work to do on top of managing an entire team of artists that I haven't really had a full day off in over a week. There's also been a recent incident that happened that could potentially be elevated to an HR issue, so I have to deal with that, too. So, yeah, work is just a hot mess right now.

  5. What was your week a mish-mash of? Stress at work, not enough sleep, still feeling heartbroken over Chester Bennington, having a crazy intense dream about my closest guy friend and then over-analyzing it, eating too much sushi, and Stephen Colbert.
2 comments on "Friday Five: Off Balance"
  1. Well at least there was that too-much-sushi part. :) Have a great weekend!

    1. True, that was the highlight of my week, lol.


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