This week's Friday Five:
- What are you looking forward to in your personal life in 2017? Nothing in particular. More time with friends? I mean, at this point, nothing's really set in stone for me specifically.
- What's something you're planning ahead for? My brother's wedding this September, which means one of my vacation weeks will be spent in NYC and Massachusetts. I have two other vacation weeks, though, and one of my goals is to go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Florida. The only issue is finding a friend who can both afford to go and be able to go during one of my vacation weeks.
- How intense is your to-do list for the last days of the year? Not that intense, since I am working both New Year's Eve and New Year's Day and have no plans to go out.
- What's something you'd like to jump past, between now and the end of the year? Working both New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.
- How will you ring in the new year? Hopefully, in bed. I have to get up at 6:30am on Sunday to work.
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