This week's Saturday Nine:

(Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.)
(Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.)
- This song is a rather shameless come-on by an accomplished ladies' man. Do you enjoy flirting? In general, no. I mean, with the right person, it can be fun. But I'm also lazy. And don't meet a lot of guys. And this is why I'm perpetually single.
- Shaggy sings that he's like a turtle coming out of his shell. Do you think turtles, snakes and lizards make good pets? Or would you prefer a companion animal that has fur or feathers? Fur babies for the win. I'm not a fan of reptiles or amphibians. Or birds, either, for that matter.
- He also sings that if you don't feel like driving, you should hand him the keys. Are you comfortable letting others drive your car? Not strangers, obviously, but if it's a trusted friend with a good driving history, then yes. Anyone else, no.
- He tries to woo the girl with the promise of a bubble bath. Do you enjoy relaxing in the tub? Or do you view baths and showers as simply part of your hygiene routine, like brushing your teeth? I don't take baths. I tried to get into them a couple years ago because I really liked Lush bath bombs and bubble bars, but it's just too tedious to clean the tub before and after every use. And then I would wonder, "Do I wash my hair before or after the bath? Do I need to rinse off after? Should I have showered beforehand? 'Cause I'll just be lying in my own filth..." And so yeah, baths became more stressful even though they are supposed to be relaxing. Anyway, I only take showers, and I mostly just see them as a part of my hygiene routine, though I do like using a variety of different products to keep shower time more interesting and/or therapeutic.
- Born Orville Burrell, Shaggy took his stage name from his shaggy hair. Using your hair as inspiration, what would your stage name be? Mahogany in the Sun. (Sounds more interesting than, "Straight but Sometimes Frizzy in Humidity." Also, I just cut off eight inches of hair, and it is positively liberating.)
- Sam admits she hadn't thought about this 20+ year old song in years, until she heard it on a Chase Bank commercial. According to the Federal Reserve Bank, check-writing dropped more than 50% between 2000 and 2010. Who received the last check you wrote? I have never written a cheque in my life.
- Which would you prefer to receive in a birthday card: a $25 check or a $20 Target gift card? A $25 cheque. It's $5 more. It's just plain common sense. Also, Target flopped hard in Canada, so a Target gift card would be useless to me, anyway.
- Sam's mother refuses to pay bills online. All the news stories about data breaches scare her. Have you ever been hacked? If so, did it take long to get the situation resolved? Not that I know of. (Knock on wood.)
- In 1995, when this song was popular, Michael Jordan "unretired" and returned to the Chicago Bulls. Tell us about a decision you made that you wish you could undo. I went to UTSC to study Humanities for a year because I didn't know what else to do with my life. I was done with Ryerson and didn't want to keep working as just a "beauty advisor" for Lancôme or a cosmetician at Shoppers Drug Mart. I hated working on commission and selling things for the sake of selling. It was something of a quarter-life crisis, if you will. I wish I could say that I learned a lot, but I ended up skipping quite a lot of classes, so it was a waste of money and a waste of time and I was depressed. I skipped the final exams, too, so I didn't even finish out the year. It only re-confirmed how much I hated academia. However, I don't regret it because it made me push myself to pursue something else. And I ended up getting my diploma in makeup artistry and get into an industry that I'm really passionate about.
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