Friday Five: Snacking

Friday, March 29, 2013
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What's your favourite crunchy snack? Currently, it's a tie between Kellogg's Special K Cracker Chips and Grissol Canapé Sesame Melba Rounds. I literally go through like, two boxes a week.
  2. What's your favourite chewy, gooey, or mushy snack? I'm addicted to hummus. And cheddar cheese.
  3. What's generally not considered a snack food but is something you love to snack on? Is hummus considered a snack food? If not, then hummus. I seriously go through a big tub of it every week (I dip my melba toast in it).
  4. What packaged snack have you tried but would recommend others avoid? I'm sure there are a lot of packaged snacks that I wouldn't recommend, but at the top of my head, it'd be President's Choice Original Rounds Melba Toast. They're too thin (not ideal for dipping in hummus!) and kind of taste... cardboard-y. I'm also not a fan of Peek Freans Lifestyle Selections Cookies in Dark Chocolate and Cherry. I don't like dried fruit in my cookies to begin with, but the chocolate flavour in those cookies taste too artificial. Oh, and also black licorice. But that's just because I don't like black licorice.
  5. What four snacks would you put on your Mount Rushmore of snacks? I'm more of a fan of salty snacks rather than sweet snacks, so aside from the snacks I listed in #1, I would also include Munchies and Sour Cream & Onion Ruffles. What, you thought all my favourite snacks are healthy? 
4 comments on "Friday Five: Snacking"
  1. Aw, those Peek Dreams cookies are one of my favourites! They taste like chocolate Teddy Graham's with bits of dried cherry. :D

    1. Bleeeaarrrghhhh... I don't know why, I can't stand 'em. My mom loves them, which is why we always have them in the house. They just don't do it for me!

    2. Have you tried the other flavours?
      I also quite like the 'bran crunch' ones. They make me feel less guilty x2...'cause you know, bran is good for you and stuff. There's a lemon one out there, I think! I'd like to give that one a go.

    3. Never tried the bran ones... but I've tried the lemon one, and it's actually really good. I just don't like the chocolate cherry one. :P


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