Friday Five: Unusual Stuff

Friday, January 25, 2013
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What's the most surprising or unusual thing to be found in your wallet, purse, or backpack? I keep an old Chinese coin in my wallet. My dad told me to keep one there to help protect my money during the Year of the Dragon because he said I would have a lot of "unexpected expenses" and that the old coin would keep all my "money from draining." Similarly, I keep a little jade pig in my purse for luck in general (pigs are lucky for those born in the Year of the Tiger). Odd that I'm so "white-washed" and yet I believe in so many Chinese superstitions...
  2. What's the most surprising or unusual thing to be found on your computer's hard drive? Weirdly enough, I don't think there's anything unusual on my hard drive. You'd think I'd at least have some porn or something on there, but I don't. It's just photos that I've taken, some TV shows and movies, all my music files, and the usual documents (cover letter, résumé, old essays from university, etc.). I think maybe the most surprising thing might be a draft of Stephanie Meyer's Midnight Sun (it's basically Twilight written through Edward's point of view) that I downloaded ages ago.
  3. What's the most interesting thing hanging on your walls? I have a pair of jade Chinese water gourds on a red string braid hanging by the windows in my room. Another superstition brought on by my dad, presumably to bring me luck. 
  4. What's the most uncharacteristic thing in your fridge? I share the fridge with my mom, so while I don't keep weird or uncharacteristic things in there for myself, my mom sometimes has jugs of Chinese herbal teas or pots of Chinese soup in there that I don't even think about touching.
  5. What's something you've done in the past year that you thought was going to be awful but turned out pretty good? That trip to New York I went on last September with the girls. There was some drama going on between the two of them that I thought was going to re-surface during the trip, but we had a surprisingly good time.
2 comments on "Friday Five: Unusual Stuff"
  1. I would have thought there was some LUSH products in the fridge, unless you don't count it as "uncharacteristic." :)

    1. Haha, there WAS some Lush fresh face masks in the fridge a couple months ago, but they have long since expired... and I totally forgot about them so they were unopened, too, lol. So RIGHT NOW there isn't anything "uncharacteristic" in the fridge. :P


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