Metric: Live at Sugar Beach — Synthetica

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Here's the video I took of Metric performing "Synthetica," from their new album, Synthetica, at Sugar Beach in Toronto on June 11, 2012. (Watch it in HD, it's much better.) Sorry for any shakiness. My arms were getting tired.
4 comments on "Metric: Live at Sugar Beach — Synthetica"
  1. Listening to it this morning and pretending I'm there!

    1. The sound actually came out better than I thought it would because it was so loud there! Hope you're enjoying. :)

      Did you get the album yet?

    2. I never really buy albums anymore, just a song here and there if they have major repeat potential. I'm so behind on new music - it's the same old tunes over and over again these days!

    3. Haha, fair enough, I always go through phases with music. I've been listening to a lot of new stuff recently but like, a month ago, I was only listening to '90s alt. :P

      I always listen to songs on YouTube first to see if I like it. I generally like buying songs/albums from iTunes but sometimes I will be bad and just use by YouTube to MP3 converter if I just like one song by an artist. :P You should check out Metric's new stuff on YT, though, there are some fantastic songs on Synthetica!


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