Evolution of Smooth

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I'd been looking for EOS smooth sphere lip balms for a while to no avail, and then I saw them on Sydney's blog and asked her where she got them. She found them at a store downtown, which is a far trek from where I live, so she offered to get some for me. And then a week later, I got a package in the mail from Sydney with three EOS lip balms inside! She got me the Sweet Mint, Honeysuckle Honeydew, and Summer Fruit flavours. All three flavours are 95% organic, 100% natural, and also free of parabens, gluten, petrolatum, and phthalates. Shea butter and vitamin E keeps lips moisturized without feeling slippery or sticky. All three smell exactly as their names describe (my favourite is the Honeysuckle Honeydew), and are taste-free. They're on the waxier side as opposed to creamy, which makes them so optimal to wear under lipsticks (the consistency actually reminds me of a more emollient version of Burt's Bees lip balm). Best of all, they're big and colourful so they're easy to spot in my massive black hole of a purse. Plus, they're just super-cute and make me smile. Thanks, Sydney!
3 comments on "Evolution of Smooth"
  1. I have the pink one and I didn't like it! I'm not sure if I got a bad one but it smells like plastic! I get a headache everytime I use it!! :( It's super cute though :P

  2. I'm glad you like them! The guy at the store said that Honeysuckle was his favourite too -- better than the lemon, actually. :)

    I like Summerfruit quite a bit. And yup, one of the best things about them is that they are mega large and colourful so you can spot 'em on cluttered desks easily hehe.

  3. Hey, Irene! It's very possible that you got an old batch or something, 'cause the ones I got didn't smell plasticky at all! You should probably throw it away if it's giving you headaches, though. :P

    Haha, Sydney, these are the best 'cause I can actually rummage through my bag while I'm driving and still find it. Especially handy at night. :)


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