Deftones @ The Sound Academy

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
I went to see Deftones at their sold-out show tonight at The Sound Academy.

I have been listening to this band since I picked up Around The Fur in Grade 7, and I still count them as one of my top five favourite bands 13 years later. And of the three times I've seen them live, tonight was probably the most epic. Just full of energy and passion, and the acoustics at The Sound Academy were great (you could actually hear Chino's vocals perfectly, unlike at Arrow Hall, where I had saw them last). They played a great set, with a perfect mix of old classics (from "7 Words" to "Be Quiet and Drive" to "Knife Party") and new favourites (from "Minerva" to "Cherry Waves" to "Beauty School"); pretty much everything I wanted to listen to live (there was even a Katy Perry cover!). I can't believe this band has been together since I was two; seeing them tonight just seemed surreal and their live performances get better every time I see them.
2 comments on "Deftones @ The Sound Academy"
  1. Which song of Katy's did they cover??

    The last concert I went to was Jay Z's which was really for my bf... To get even, I'm taking him with me to the NKOTBSB concert in June. Muahahaha!

  2. Haha, they covered "Firework."

    I always drag Shawn to shows with me, even if he's never heard of the band, lol! He's such a good sport about it, though. He just says, "I get to spend time with you, so it's okay." He's such a cheeseball. :P


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