Noodle Star

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Shawn and I went to Noodle Star for dinner, and ordered the lean pork and preserved egg congee because I'm sick (and then Shawn ordered congee, too, because I was sick and he didn't want to make me feel bad that I had to eat congee and he didn't). I remember Katherine mentioning that there was an episode of Fear Factor in which the contestants had to eat preserved eggs, and it showed all of them gagging at the sight of them. Katherine was like, "We would totally win that challenge, no problem." Ah, the perks of being Asian.

(Notice how I went to Congee Queen to eat noodles and Noodle Star to eat congee? Chinese food is Chinese food.)
4 comments on "Noodle Star"
  1. hahaha! My bf also joked that the eating portion of Fear Factor would be equivalent to a free meal to Asians.

    Once they made contestants eat boiled duck eggs that were nearly developed embryos. We were like, our peoples love that shit! I don't eat it, but it's really popular where I'm from.

  2. Haha, those sissies. I always get extra preserved eggs 'cause I looooove that stuff.

  3. Also... yummy, pay dan sow yook jook (LOL that sounds pretty close, I think)!

  4. Haha, Mary, they just need more Asian contestants on that show.

    LOL, Sydney! I love lots of pay dans, too. I always sound like such a douche ordering it in Chinese, 'cause I'm sooooo Canadian-ized. :P


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