Jimmy Eat World @ Kool Haus

Monday, October 18, 2010

Went to see Jimmy Eat World at Kool Haus tonight. They were, in a word, phenomenal. Honestly, they're one of the best bands I've ever seen live, and that's saying a lot because I have been to a ton of shows. They were just spot-on for every song - amazing energy, clear vocals (that was loud enough and completely in tune), brilliant sound. There was only one opening band, We Were Promised Jetpacks, who were awesome as well; we caught the last few songs - their sound is kind of like Sparta meets Brazil meets Franz Ferdinand.

We got to see Jimmy for a solid two hours, and the set list was pretty damn good, too; just a great mix of all of their albums, old favourites and new classics, mellow songs and louder anthems. Highlights for me include:

- "Bleed American" (perfect opener)
- "Let It Happen"
- "Futures"
- "Pain"
- "Work"
- "Get It Faster"
- "My Best Theory"
- "Action Needs An Audience"
- "23"
- "The Middle"
- "Sweetness" (best for last)

Awesome, awesome, awesome.
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