Friday Five: Boo!

Friday, October 6, 2023
This week's Friday Five:

  1. How easily are you startled? About average? I guess it depends on my comfort level with the environment or situation and if I'm with people or not.

  2. What music do you find scary? I don't find the music scary, per se, but it's scary how many people actually like Chinese opera. I can appreciate the theatrics, the stories, the costumes, and the makeup, but the music is actually horrendous. Like nails on a chalkboard. I immediately flinch when I hear it because it's so goddamn jarring.

  3. When did you last attend a performance you didn't think highly of? Hmm. I don't think there's actually a performance I attended — at least in the last decade — that I didn't like. Then again, the only live performances I go to are concerts for bands that I love, so.

  4. What caused your most recent small cut or scrape? Last week, I was cutting my toenails and went a little deeper than intended with the side of my right big toe and it was bleeding quite a bit and then I had to bust the Polysporin and a Band-Aid...

  5. When was your ego most recently bruised, and what did you do to recover? Hmm. I can't think of anything recently.
4 comments on "Friday Five: Boo!"
  1. I was on a very long drive once, alone in a rental, late at night. To keep myself awake, I played CDs I loved (it was a long time ago) and sang along -- in Chinese opera style. :) It made me laugh and kept me from being bored. I recommend it if you're ever getting drowsy behind the wheel.

    1. LOL, that's definitely one way of keeping yourself awake!

  2. That video was amazing - I really enjoyed the facial hair 'masks' they used.

    1. Haha, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I love the theatrics of Chinese opera, I just can't stand the actual singing. :P


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