Friday Five: Circumstance and Pomp

Friday, May 19, 2023
This week's Friday Five:

  1. What advice do you have for a high school grad getting ready to begin college? Stay in the dorms. You miss out on so many college experiences otherwise. Also, don't spend all of your student loan or scholarship money on stupid shit you don't need. You will need that money for important expenses.

  2. What advice do you have for a high school grad getting ready to enter the workforce? Don't spend all of your paycheques on stupid shit you don't need. Debt is very real and very crippling.

  3. What advice do you have for a high school grad who doesn’t know what's next? It's okay not to know what's next and it's okay not to have a dream. It's better to fail at something you love than succeed at something you hate.

  4. What advice do you have for a high school grad whose high school years were disappointing? Don't be scared to try new things or meet new people. Everything you thought was so important or detrimental in high school is completely trivial after high school.

  5. What do you remember about your own graduation from high school? We had a borderline cult-like ceremony where we had to wear all white and light candles and chant things before getting our diplomas. I remember saying bye to my teachers (at least the ones I liked) and getting flowers from my parents and taking pictures with classmates (at least the ones I liked). What really mattered was the graduation after-parties.
2 comments on "Friday Five: Circumstance and Pomp"
  1. I thrashed my credit when I was in college, which of course was a terrible idea. However, there is an upside: I don't worry about identity theft. You'd have to be crazy to steal my identity with my credit. :)

    1. It's like a rite of passage to trash your credit in college, lol. :P


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