Friday Five: Hero's journey

Friday, January 27, 2023
This week's Friday Five:

  1. When did you hear (and heed) the Call to Adventure this week? Well, my co-worker suggested going out for dim sum on a lunch break this week to celebrate Chinese New Year (we rarely do this because going to a restaurant for lunch always exceeds our 30-minute lunch breaks, but our boss was out of the country this past week), so we decided to be rebellious and went on a Dim Sum Adventure.

  2. What challenges did you encounter on your Road of Trials from last weekend to this weekend? We had a huge snow storm on Wednesday that brought in about 20cm of snow, so I quite literally encountered many roads of trials on my way home from work that afternoon.

  3. What kinds of temptations did you face this week? Oh, buying stuff I don't need on Amazon, buying lunch everyday instead of bringing lunch from home, telling one co-worker in particular that she's a dumb bitch and to get off her high horse because she doesn't know how to do anything... You know, the usual stuff.

  4. What was your Ultimate Boon (that is, your greatest reward) this week? I quite literally received cash in the form of red pockets from my family members (and an e-transfer from my brother because he doesn't live here) this week for Chinese New Year, so that was pretty great.

  5. If you canceled all your obligations this weekend (and the coming week) and had the Freedom to Live it any way you wanted, how would you spend the time? Sleep in, watch K-dramas, play The Sims 4, go out for dim sum and maybe a couple dinners... Basically what I do on a regular weekend but, like, extended.
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