Friday Five: Oops!

Friday, November 4, 2022
This week's Friday Five:

  1. When have you recently had to correct one of your errors? I accidentally forgot to send a calendar invite to my boss' accountant for a finance meeting, but it was a blessing in disguise because they ended up having to change the date and adding an extra person to the meeting. So I just sent a new calendar invite to all the proper people and pretended like the old invite never happened.

  2. When did you last break something you wish you hadn't? A couple months ago, I bought a Japanese-patterned plate from Oomomo. It wasn't super expensive or anything, but it was cute and it was the last one in the store. The cashier wrapped it up in paper for me, but there wasn't much protection otherwise so I knew I should've been more careful with it. I put the plate in my eco bag and then went grocery shopping. Except I totally forgot about the plate and accidentally dropped the bag while in the supermarket, and when I got home to unload my purchases, the plate had a massive chip on the side. So now I just use it to hold my Sakuraco snacks (or other wrapped snacks) because I can't use it for actual meals. (Plus, it's an eyesore, so the snacks cover it up.)

  3. When have you taken a wrong turn (literally or figuratively) and found yourself in a better place? I don't think I ever have. Wrong turns have always been bad news bears for me.

  4. When did you most recently return a purchase to the seller? In July. I bought some car mats on Amazon because it on sale for Prime Day, but when I mentioned this to my boss (we were discussing what we bought on Prime Day), he said to return them because he would just give me a new set of car mats from the warehouse (we had extra from when we used to sell car accessories a couple years ago). 

  5. From whom do you most willingly take correction? I guess my boss because he's the one that pays me.
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