Friday Five: Dread not

Friday, May 6, 2022
This week's Friday Five:
  1. When did you more recently need a piece of string? I can't remember the last time I needed a piece of string...

  2. Who's been a pain in the neck? My boss. He's like a child with temper tantrums, so the mood of the office is totally based on his mood and let's just say he has been testy lately. We've all been annoyed with him.

  3. What are you probably fretting needlessly about, or what bridge should you probably cross when you get to it? Currently, it's changing my winter tires to my all seasons because the weather has decided to be sunny and warm all of a sudden even though it was like, an average of 5℃ last week, but I made an appointment on Monday so I guess I know when I'm gonna cross that bridge.

  4. What do you need to pick up this week? Omega-3s and sparkling water. And spring mix, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, radishes, salad dressing, chicken breast, half and half, bread... Basically, I need to go grocery shopping.

  5. What have you only recently gone nuts over? By recently, I mean in the last six months, but Nespresso! I just spent another $100 on more capsules last night because I've been obsessed with making iced coffee lately and I've been drinking two or more a day now and it's actually becoming a pretty pricey addiction, but it's just so good...
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