Unboxing: BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set

Friday, December 31, 2021
(Warning: This post is long and extremely photo-heavy.)

I picked up my BTS 2022 Season's Greetings box set just in time before the new year! My friend Ying actually bought it for me as my birthday present last month, but since shipping began in early December and then she went back home to St. Martin for two weeks and is now in quarantine until Monday, I haven't actually had a chance to see her yet. So she left it on her porch for me to pick up. As per usual, this year's Season's Greetings is packed to the brim with goodies.

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Outer Box

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Outer Box

This year's theme is "SUPER STARS." Weverse Shop's description of the the theme: "A super star who's funky and cool, a celebrity on the purple carpet in front of a packed crowd, and the real person behind the glamour of it all. BTS 2022 Season's Greetings displays the wide range of BTS' personas." This year's box "has been designed to resemble a miniature news stand, and as usual, it's full of only the best items for ARMY to welcome in the new year." The first thing we see when we flip open the lid is the Daily BTS magazine — a.k.a. THE PHOTO BOOK.

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set  — Photo Book

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Photo Book — "Rock Stars"
(Clockwise from left: Jin, RM, V, J-Hope, Jimin, Jungkook, and Suga) 

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Photo Book — "Rock Stars"
(Left to right: Jimin, Jungkook, V, and J-Hope)

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Photo Book — "Rock Stars"
Jimin (left) and Jungkook (right)

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Photo Book — "Rock Stars"
V (left) and J-Hope (right)

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Photo Book — "Rock Stars"
Jin, Suga, and RM (left) and Jin (right)

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Photo Book — "Rock Stars"
RM (left) and Suga (right)

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings features four photoshoots: "Rock Stars," "Villains," "Superstars," and "Tropical After Party." The photobook includes all four shoots across 92 glorious pages in a soft cover format with perfect binding. 

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Tabloid Posters

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Tabloid Posters — RM

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Tabloid Posters — Jin

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Tabloid Posters — Suga

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Tabloid Posters — J-Hope

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Tabloid Posters — Jimin

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Tabloid Posters — V

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Tabloid Posters — Jungkook

Then we get 32 pages of "tabloid posters," which are double-sided posters made out of newsprint. Each member gets their own poster, of course. On one side features a double-paged photo of the respective member from the "Villians" photoshoot, and on the other side are two single-paged photos from the "Rock Stars" and "Superstars" photoshoots. For the "Villains" photoshoot, RM plays a "Mad Scientist," Jin plays a "Shadow Hacker," Suga plays a "Gray Pianist" (not sure what a "gray pianist" is, but I'm thinking it's someone like the Phantom from Phantom of the Opera), J-Hope plays a "mystic strategist" (I think that means "fancy pirate"), Jimin plays an "Alley Cat" (I think they meant "cat burglar"), V plays a "Fate Reader" (a.k.a. a fortune teller), and Jungkook plays an "Action-Taker" (I have no idea what kind of villain he's supposed to be, but he looks like a hot delinquent and that's all that matters).

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — 2022 - 2023 Diary

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — 2022 - 2023 Diary

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Desk Calendar

Then, of course, you get a diary, which includes weekly and monthly pages, blank notes pages, BTS group and subunit photos, as well as a sheet of stickers. My only qualm about this year's diary is that it is both perfect-bound and soft cover, which means it is not ideal for laying down flat on your desk (which is what I like). It's really for those who need a travel-friendly agenda, maybe for school or to keep in a bag. You do get a desk calendar, though, so at least you can have a month at-a-glance displayed at your work space. As usual, you get a different solo, subunit, or group photo for each month. 

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Postcard Set (front and back)

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Memo Pad + Digital Code Card

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Member Paper Magnet + Tattoo Stickers

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Member Photocard Set + Member ID Photo Set

BTS 2022 Season's Greetings Box Set — Wall Calendar

This year's set also includes a postcard set, the requisite photocard set, a member ID photo set, a memo pad that looks like a cassette tape, a randomized member paper magnet (for which I got Suga), a sheet of member-drawn tattoo stickers, and — new for this set — a digital code card. In lieu of physical DVDs, this year's Season's Greetings includes a plastic card featuring a QR code/registration code instead. You register the code on Weverse, and it leads you to the "Making of" video. (This year's is about 70 minutes long. Like every year, it includes behind-the-scenes footage of the photoshoots, the members reflecting on the past year, playing a BTS trivia game, and talking about their goals for next year.) I actually quite like the idea of using digital codes to access video content online instead of physical DVDs. I've always had to buy a separate USB DVD player because MacBooks haven't included a disc player for years. I wonder if this is how their video box sets are going to be going forward? It's a pretty smart idea.

That having been said, can I just get an AMEN for PUNK ROCK BTS? I've said this before, but punk-inspired BTS is the hottest BTS, and they went all out for this photoshoot and I am obsessed as it is all my fantasies come to life and I CANNOT WAIT TO BUST OUT MY CALENDARS TOMORROW.
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