Friday Five: Heights

Friday, June 18, 2021
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What's the best non-animated movie musical you've seen in the past several years? Does Pitch Perfect count as a musical? If not, then I'll go with La La Land. (I assume any of the BTS movies that came out don't count as a musical, but rather as documentaries about musicians...)

  2. How are you most likely to pass the time during a lengthy blackout? Well, the last lengthy blackout I went through was the Northeast Blackout of 2003, when we didn't have power for over 12 hours. I was stuck downtown with my cousin and obviously the subway was shut down so we couldn't go back up. (For some reason, we did not think about walking the 30km back home...) Cell phone towers were all down and no one had reception, so we couldn't even call our parents. (This was also back when there were no smartphones yet, so I hope the telecommunications companies were smart enough to get back-up satellites or whatever since then.) But after wandering around for 6 hours, we finally found a cab hiding in one of the side streets. When I got home around midnight, all of the food in the fridge was melting, so we had to eat whatever we could that didn't require cooking. So I ate a bunch of ice cream and then went to bed. All of that was to say... I would eat ice cream and then go to bed.

  3. When were you last in a swimming pool? I think I was maybe 12 or 13?

  4. What do you remember fondly about the neighbourhood where you grew up? Trick or treating. We used to get so much candy back then. And neighbours used to be nice and friendly (except for the house that gave out raisins, I hate you). Oh, and then there were the summers when I'd pretend to be Harriet the Spy, except all the neighbours never did anything scandalous so that got boring pretty fast. Then when I became a teenager, I had a lot of great memories of smoking pot at the neighbourhood park. Then when I got to my late teens, I had great memories of sneaking my first boyfriend into the house and I remember that time my dad came home early and my boyfriend had to jump off the second storey balcony to avoid him... Man, I miss that neighbourhood.

  5. What language did you study in school, and what's something you remember how to say? French and Mandarin. I can speak/read quite a bit of French still. Not super fluently, but simple sentences and a lot of random words, mostly because all of our packaging in Canada is bilingual. Like, I could probably get by in Quebec or France. But Mandarin, I studied for a year and pretty much forgot everything. The only thing I remember how to say is, "Hi, my name is [my Chinese name]," and counting from 1 to 99 (because I forgot how to say 100)... and I can say "I don't know" and "sold out" (this came in handy when I worked retail). And that's it.
2 comments on "Friday Five: Heights"
  1. Smoking weed as a teen? I'm scandalized. There goes the nice girl image I have of you! :)

    I also liked La La Land. See In the Heights if you can. It's pretty darn good. And I also recommend The Greatest Showman. I don't care for non-animated movie musicals, but I really like those.

    How are we doing on those shots?

    1. LMAO! I was such a pothead as a teenager. I blame it on my brother. He used to wake me up early in the summers just to smoke pot, LOL. What can I say, when in Canada, do as the Canadians do.

      I got my first vaccination a month ago, and now that they've accelerated the roll-out for the second shots, it is near impossible to book an appointment. I check every day and everything's always booked. It's ridiculous. So I'm patiently waiting for openings right now. On the bright side, at least they've accelerated the shots. I would've had to wait until September at the rate they were going before.


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