Friday Five: Frozen water

Friday, May 14, 2021
This week's Friday Five:
  1. In what area of your life are you skating on thin ice? Mental health?

  2. What evidence do you have recently that practice does or does not make perfect? I can't think of anything that I've recently practiced, as sad as that sounds. Maybe cooking? Though I don't exactly practice cooking. I just do it because I will starve otherwise. But I will say that I've gotten a little bit better. At least, I find my food tastes a bit better. 

  3. When did you most recently interact with a police officer? Oh, wow. Um, maybe a decade ago? I got pulled over because the license plate on my car was expired. But I got off with a warning because it was my dad's license plate and I had no idea back then that license plates expired on birthdays. I remember the officer asked me, "You don't know your dad's birthday?" And I said, "I do, I just had no idea that license plates expired on birthdays." And he just chuckled and said, "Okay, I'm going to let you off with a warning, but get your dad to renew his license plate!"

  4. Which business establishments do you patronize because you like their customer service? Which do you avoid because of poor customer service? I'm trying to think of places where I like or dislike the customer service. Quite frankly, I haven't been anywhere long enough in the past year to even judge the customer service. I will say that before the pandemic, Osaka Sushi, Araya Sushi, and Mr. Chimaek all had excellent customer service and they became regular restaurants in my dining rotation.

  5. How will you make good choices this weekend? I will get out of the apartment this weekend. (To go to the McDonald's drive-thru, but still, at least I am leaving my home. It's for my mental health.)
2 comments on "Friday Five: Frozen water"
  1. Do you know what Hawaiian sweet bread is? In the continental US there's a popular brand of it called King's Hawaiian. I'm pretty sure it's actually a Portuguese invention that took off in Hawaii during plantation days, and like a lot of things, turned into something unique to the islands. Anyway. A lot of places here make French toast from sweet bread and it's heavenly. So if sweet bread French toast is on the menu, I'm getting that over pancakes almost every time. Otherwise, it's kind of a toss-up. I love them both!

    How are you doing in the lockdown? I've never heard so many Canadians pissed off about something as I have recently about this lockdown! Hang in there!

    1. I do know what Hawaiian sweet bread is! I've never had it, though, 'cause as you can imagine, it's not available here, lol. Is it comparable to brioche?

      I got my first vaccination this past Saturday. Lockdown is going on until June 2 here. People are getting restless, especially now that summer's around the corner and the weather is nice now. I'm just praying that restaurants can re-open soon.


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