BTS for TIME: December 21 / 28, 2020 — Person of the Year Issue

Wednesday, January 13, 2021
As I've mentioned, all the magazines I've ordered over the last two months are arriving right now, and the latest of the bunch is TIME's Person of the Year issue. And you may be wondering why the hell I needed to get this issue with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on the cover. (I mean, I respect them, of course, but I'm not so heavily invested in American politics that it would make me actually spend money on a magazine I don't normally read just because they're on the cover.) Well, obviously, it's because BTS is in it. Because they were named TIME's Entertainer of the Year. (They are actually on the inside cover. I guess a Korean pop group might be a tiny bit less important than the new U.S. president to some people...)

TIME Magazine: December 21/28, 2020 — Person of the Year Issue

BTS for TIME Magazine: December 21/28, 2020 — Person of the Year Issue

BTS for TIME Magazine: December 21/28, 2020 — Person of the Year Issue

BTS for TIME Magazine — Entertainer of the Year Cover Art Print

The entire article for BTS is literally only three pages (with one page being a photo), but they look so goddamn good in this photoshoot that it compelled me to buy not just two copies of the magazine, but also an official art print of their cover photo from the TIME Cover Store. Now I just really need to figure out how to maximize my wall space...
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