Saturday Nine: I Don't Care (2019)

Saturday, April 18, 2020
This week's Saturday Nine:

You can listen to the song here.
  1. This song begins with Ed Sheeran admitting he's not enjoying the party he's at. What's something you have to do this weekend, but don't want to do? Go to bed before 3:00AM. This might be weird to some people, but it's because Bang Bang Con is this weekend (it's the concert-at-home series that BTS is doing on their YouTube channel) and it starts at noon KST — for me, that's 11:00PM EST and it goes on until around 9:00AM. When I was nocturnal, this schedule was perfect. But because I'm back at work and need to get up at 5:30AM everyday, staying up to watch the entirety of Bang Bang Con would totally fuck up my sleep schedule.

  2. Justin Bieber sings about trying to have a conversation at a party. Have you seen any of your social gatherings cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic? Well, my friend Viv's bridal shower (which was scheduled in April) was cancelled and her wedding (which was scheduled in May) has been postponed to next January. And, of course, the BTS Map of the Soul Tour has been postponed indefinitely. They did state that it will be re-scheduled and all tickets/seats/packages will be honoured for the new dates, but everything is still up in the air. Plus, Jin is supposed to start his military service next year so if this tour is pushed back until 2021, we don't know if the South Korean government will make an exception for Jin to enlist at a later time or if BTS will end up doing the tour at all (because I don't foresee them touring without all seven members).

  3. Both Ed and Justin conclude that this party — and everything else — is okay because they're with the ones they love. Who in your life always makes you feel comfortable and content? My friends. And BTS.

  4. Ed and Justin have both appeared on The Simpsons. Are you a Simpsons fan? Sure? I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan, but I used to watch it a lot when I was a kid and I've never not liked it...

  5. Speaking of animation, Ed Sheeran has said that he'd love to do a Disney soundtrack, like Elton John's Lion King. Do you have a favourite Disney movie? No. There's too many of them. Especially if you take into account Pixar movies as well.

  6. Justin Bieber is fluent in French, and Ed says he knows enough to get by. Say something to us in French. Je veux manger plus de pizza.

  7. Justin can solve a Rubik's Cube in less than two minutes. Are you good at puzzles? I'm not terrible at them, but they're definitely not my forte. And I can't remember the last time I touched a Rubik's Cube let alone solve one.

  8. In 2019, the year this song was popular, 20 new governors took office. Tell us something about the governor of your state (or commonwealth)? Listen, I barely pay attention to Canadian politics, so you can be damn sure I don't know anything about it on a provincial level. Although a quick Google search has told me that the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario is someone named Elizabeth Dowdeswell. But I'm pretty sure her position is not the same thing as a governor in the U.S.

  9. Random question: Did you more recently give a compliment, or receive one? I think both? It was during a phone conversation with a client at work yesterday, and I know compliments were exchanged.
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