Run BTS! 2020: Episode 102

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

This week's episode: Avatar cooking! Two teams of three. One team leader in a back room, two "avatars" in the kitchen. The team leader has to give cooking instructions to Avatar #1 in the kitchen, and Avatar #1 has to relay the instructions to Avatar #2. The person relaying the instructions cannot be helping the person executing the instructions. (Basically, only one person can actually be cooking at any given moment.) The avatars have to switch places every two minutes. It is ABSOLUTE FUCKING CHAOS. And I AM LIVING FOR THIS.

[While Jin is relaying instructions from the back room]
Jungkook: "Jin is all over the place right now."
J-Hope: "Yes, Jin is a bit scattered... Jin is extremely agitated."
Jin, yelling from the back room: "Taste it! And if it tastes too salty... well, we've failed." 
[after a couple minutes]
V, looking sad and defeated: *SIGH* "When do you want to go to Achasan Mountain?" (The punishment for the losing team is going hiking at Achasan Mountain before sunrise.) 
[after another five minutes of yelling instructions]
J-Hope: "Member change!"
Jin: *HUGE SIGH* "I can't do this anymore." 
[20 minutes later, J-Hope is tasting the food as the judge]
Jungkook, trying to appease J-Hope: "Ah, this dish has all the hard work that we've been putting in since we were trainees!"
Jungkook, looking hopefully at J-Hope: "Although it looks quite bad, it's still savoury and delicious!"

I am still drying my tears from uncontrollable laughter.
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