Friday Five: The New York Times Best Sellers

Friday, June 7, 2019
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What is your experience with crayfish (or crawfish or crawdads, depending on where you're from)? I've eaten some at Captain's Boil. They are delicious!

  2. When have you been stung by a stinging critter? About ten years ago, when I was working my restaurant job, I was sitting on a milk crate outside, and having a smoke. I had a cup of coffee that I had placed beside me on the ground. I was picking up my coffee to take a sip and didn't realize that my finger had come in direct contact with a wasp as I was grabbing the cup. The motherfucker stung my finger and it was swollen for days.

  3. What was the last previously-owned item you purchased for yourself? I think it was the BTS 2016 Season's Greetings Set that I got on eBay sometime last year. (I am hell-bent on collecting as much BTS official multimedia as possible.)

  4. Where are you on the whole Game of Thrones thing? When it first aired, my boyfriend at the time tried to get me into it, but I fell asleep halfway during the first episode and never watched it again. I am still somewhat intrigued now that the story has unfolded and the series has ended... but not enough to sacrifice that much time to start it. Perhaps when I'm feeling more ambitious.

  5. How did you celebrate your 18th birthday? I don't really remember what I did or who I celebrated with, to be honest. But I did buy a lottery ticket.
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