Makeup and Beauty Blog: Monday Poll, Vol. 560

Monday, January 21, 2019
This week's Monday Poll:
  1. Your thoughts on colourful eyeliner? Can look great and makes for an easy way to wear colour, however, I personally stick to black eyeliner on myself.

  2. Warm reds or cool reds? On eyes, I prefer warm reds. On lips, I prefer cool.

  3. Are you able to now (or have you ever been able to) do a backflip? When I was doing gymnastics lessons as a kid, I learned how to do a backflip. But I definitely can't do one now.

  4. Is face powder/setting powder a non-negotiable for you? Yes. I'd actually say that liquid products are optional for me.

  5. Something you recently learned that you like? Lip stains!

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