Friday Five: I Spy

Friday, December 14, 2018
This week's Friday Five:
  1. How do you feel about candy sprinkles (on ice cream, doughnuts, cupcakes, or whatever)? They're messy but they're pretty and add a cute whimsical factor to desserts... They're like adding twinkle lights to a tree. All of a sudden, a plain ol' tree becomes a festive Christmas tree. So, sprinkles are not particularly useful or even flavourful, but they add a different texture and contrast, and they're nice to look at. Desserts just tend to be more photogenic with sprinkles, you know?

  2. Where’s a good place to look at Christmas lights? In Toronto, I'd say the Christmas Market and the Spectacle of Lights at the Harbourfront.

  3. What's a good idea for a drive-through service or product that doesn't yet exist? Sushi, poke bowls, donburi, tonkatsu... With such a huge Asian population and amount of drivers here, I'm genuinely surprised a Japanese fast food drive-through doesn't exist yet.

  4. How confident a parallel parker are you? For me, it's not the parallel parking itself that is difficult, but the anxiety I get from oncoming traffic on the street on which I'm trying to parallel park.

  5. How much plaid do you own? I own a few button-up flannel shirts, as any good Canadian would. But that's actually the extent of plaid for me. I usually go for solids rather than patterns in general, though.

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