Friday Five: "Nine times?" "Nine times!"

Friday, September 21, 2018
This week's Friday Five:
  1. If you were to play hooky on your next regular work day with no negative consequences, and if you could only spend the day by yourself, what out-of-the-house fun activities would you pursue? My next work day is tomorrow, so if were to skip out on work, I would go by myself to Day 2 of the BTS Hamilton shows because some standard tickets were just released "from production." (I think this is mostly as a result of this whole exposé on Ticketmaster from a couple days ago.) Yes, I am going on Sunday and then again next weekend in Newark, but there's no such thing as seeing BTS too much.

  2. In the same situation, what stay-home fun activities would you pursue? Sleep in until noon, make some French toast, watch BTS videos, maybe re-watch BTS Bon Voyage Season 2, and take a nap before making some ramen for dinner.

  3. If you played hooky specifically because someone else needed the time off, who in your life would be your accomplice and what would be first on the agenda? Ronsee or Chelsea. First on the agenda would be go out to eat, probably somewhere we've been meaning to try downtown. (I have been eyeing those Japanese soufflé pancakes at Hanabusa Cafe for like, a year.)

  4. When did you last visit a museum, and what item on exhibit impressed you? I went to the American Museum of Natural History last May, and I found the Titanosaur to be the most impressive (it's 122-feet long!).

  5. What's something you've recently gotten away with? I attached my two days off and a floating holiday to my vacation week next week so I have ten days off in a row starting on Sunday. Normally, this wouldn't have been allowed because I'm in upper management but my boss was like, "It's okay. You're going to see BTS. I get it. It's a big deal for you." 
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