Saturday Nine: Back in the USA (1978)

Saturday, June 30, 2018
This week's Saturday Nine:

You can hear this week's song here.
  1. This song lists seven cities — New York, Los Angeles, Detroit, Chicago, Chattanooga, Baton Rouge and St. Louis — that Linda just loves. How many have you visited? Out of these seven, I've only been to New York and Los Angeles. I do want to do a road trip to Chicago, though, and eventually go around the Southern states if only to do a massive food tour.

  2. The lyrics refer to hamburgers sizzling on the grill. What toppings do you believe make a perfect burger? Cheddar, bacon, lettuce, tomato, pickles, ketchup, mustard, and chipotle sauce. (If chipotle sauce is unavailable, I suppose mayo will do.)

  3. The original recording of this song by Chuck Berry has always been one of Linda Ronstadt's favorites, one she used to enjoy singing along with in the car. What's the most recent song you sang? The last song I attempted to sing along to was BTS' "Paradise." (I say "attempted" because I can really only sing along to the English parts...)

  4. Linda sang The National Anthem at Game 3 of the 1977 World Series. The New York Yankees won both that game and the series. How is your baseball team doing this season? No idea; I don't follow baseball and I don't care enough to even Google about it.

  5. During the Revolutionary War, General Washington celebrated the 4th of July by giving his troops a double ration of rum. Will you imbibe any spirits on Independence Day? I'm gonna replace "Independence Day" with "Canada Day," which is tomorrow. And no, I won't, because I don't drink.

  6. The first man to sign the Declaration of Independence, John Hancock, said he wrote his name so large King George could see it, even without his glasses. Do you require glasses for reading? I'm nearsighted so I require glasses/corrective lenses to see far.

  7. Since July 4 is a federal holiday, banks are closed and there's no mail delivery. Thanks to email and ATMs, Sam finds going without those services isn't a hardship. What about you? Will you find it inconvenient that banks and the USPS are closed on July 4? Again, I'm gonna replace July 4 with July 1 for Canada Day, but no, I won't find it inconvenient as I rarely ever go to the bank, and I never mail things out, ever. I am expecting a package from South Korea, but since it was shipped out today and Canada Day falls on a Sunday this year, it won't affect the day in which the package gets here.

  8. The first 4th of July parade each year is held at 12:01 AM in Gatlinberg, TN. Will you attend a parade or fireworks to celebrate the 4th? Nah. I don't care about parades and I haven't done fireworks for years now. They're too expensive. Plus, there's a heatwave going on, so I'm hibernating this weekend.

  9. More and more Americans celebrate our nation's holiday by eating foods from Italy and Germany. For the July 4, 2016 holiday, more than $50 million was spent on Italian sausage and bratwurst. What's on your 4th of July menu? Nothing special for this Canada Day. My co-worker did invite me to her place tomorrow because she's having her annual Canada Day party and is barbecuing all day, but she lives quite far from me and it's way too hot this weekend (it's going to feel like 40°C with humidex tomorrow), so I'm gonna stay home. I'll probably make some pasta or something. 
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