Makeup and Beauty Blog: Monday Poll, Vol. 468

Monday, March 27, 2017
This week's Monday Poll:
  1. Glitter or gloss? Glitter over gloss for everything except lips.

  2. Classic or modern? Depends on what it is, but I'd probably say modern for most things.

  3. Apples or oranges? Oranges for juice and apples for eating.

  4. Stay in or go out? Stay in.

  5. Cats or dogs? Dogs.

  6. Highlight or contour? Highlight, always. I am the highlight queen. At least, that's what they call me at work.

  7. Email or snail mail? Email. But I love receiving packages in the mail.

  8. Cream or powder blush? Powder. Not really a fan of cream textures in makeup, at least on myself.

  9. Pizza or tacos? Oh, fuck, this is hard 'cause you know my love for Taco Bell... But if I had to pick one to eat for the rest of my life, I'd say pizza 'cause it's one of my comfort foods.

  10. High heels or cowboy boots? Based on looks alone, I'd say high heels, but I hate wearing them 'cause they hurt like a motherfucker. But I don't actually own cowboy boots so I don't know how comfortable they are. Can I just pick ankle boots with a heel?

  11. Backpack or purse? Purse.

  12. Face mask or hair mask? I actually don't do either, but if I had the time and patience for masking, I'd say face mask because I give zero fucks about my hair.

  13. Bra or no bra? Bra. The only time I don't wear one is when I'm in my pajamas.

  14. Neutrals or brights? As fun as brights are, I can't live without my neutrals.

  15. Calm or chaos? Calm, unless I'm at a concert.

  16. Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise in the winter, sunset in the summer.

  17. Sharp or smudgy? Sharp.
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