Friday Five: Celebrations

Friday, January 18, 2013
This week's Friday Five:
  1. When did you last blow up a balloon? Wow, I'm seriously drawing a blank here... Maybe in middle school? Or high school? I don't know, I haven't had a reason to blow up a balloon in a long, long time.
  2. Whose house is especially well-designed for parties, and why? Probably Jack's parent's house. It's huge and spacious and relatively minimal, so there's lots of room for movement and mingling.
  3. If the party starts at seven, what time are you there? It really depends on the type of party. If it's crucial that I be there at a specific time (like, say, a dinner party), then I'd try to get there 10 to 15 minutes early. If it's a house party (like, say, a kegger), then whenever the hell I want, really. But as I'm answering this question, it's occurred to me that I rarely go to parties in general.
  4. Who brought the best thing to your last potluck? I've never had a potluck in my entire life. The closest thing I've ever had to a potluck was when Ben came to cook for me for my 24th birthday. And even then, no one brought any dishes of their own; Ben bought all the food and cooked all of it at my house. It's one of the perks of having a chef as a best friend.
  5. Now that the holidays are over, what (besides a birthday) might be the next thing you celebrate in the company of others? Chinese New Year! Can't wait until the Year of the Dragon is over. It was crap for everyone.
2 comments on "Friday Five: Celebrations"
  1. LOL @ the balloon Q. I had to do it 2.5 years ago for my sister's bridal shower. No more balloons for me. Ever.

    My life was basically a series of potluck and I'm not doing those anymore, LOL. Hold tight to Ben and don't ever let him go! :)

    1. Haha, I thought the balloon question was kinda random. Balloons kinda scare me, to be honest. They've never been the same for me after watching It. :( I always think a clown is going to sneak up on me soon after a balloon floats by...

      I've never had a potluck partially because I don't like hosting things at my house, but mostly because I would have noooo idea what to make. It's the same reason I don't go to potlucks, LOL. I'd end up going to the grocery store to pick up something already prepared and be all, "Ohhh, yeaaah, of course I made it..." :P

      Haha, culinary BFFs are the best.


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