Friday Five: Exertion

Friday, October 26, 2012
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What was the cause of your last working up a sweat? I was at the Ellie Goulding concert at The Sound Academy a couple weeks ago. Definitely worked up a sweat there!
  2. What routine part of your life seems to take more mental effort for you than for most others? Blogging, maybe? A lot of mental effort goes into doing reviews, for example. My brain is seriously a catalogue of tens of thousands of different products...
  3. What's something many others consider labourious but you consider rather easy? Make-up; applying it on myself and applying it on others. Then again, it's my profession, so it's not really fair... 
  4. What's something you're going to have to do really soon but have been putting off just because it's going to be a lot of work? Laundry, I guess. I mean, it's not a lot of work, it's just tedious. And I've been letting it pile up, so I've got about three loads to do. And I haven't even folded the last load I did. It's literally sitting in my laundry basket, waiting to be folded. 
  5. Where's the steepest hill in your neighbourhood? You know, now that I think about it, I don't there are actually any steep hills in my area. Like, at all. 
2 comments on "Friday Five: Exertion"
  1. I think the only times I sweat lately is if I'm eating hot soup and wearing a big sweater at the same time... SAD, I KNOW.

    1. LOLOLOL, don't worry, I don't sweat a lot, either, if at all. I don't even wear deodorant unless it's summer. :P


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