MAC Daphne Guinness for MAC: Nail Lacquers

Monday, December 26, 2011

MAC released a new collection in collaboration with Daphne Guinness in stores today. It features 21 products, 17 of which are limited edition. There are three new and limited edition shades of Nail Lacquer released with this collection (one of which, Blueblood, will not be reviewed). Each Nail Lacquer comes in regular clear/black packaging, contains a total of 10 ml of product, and retails for $18.

Endless Night and Hyperion

Endless Night is a light beige with pink iridescent micro-shimmer in a Frost finish. It went on smoothly and evenly, but it is on the sheerer side, so I needed three medium coats to get it opaque. It is greyer than Quiet Time, and it looks like Essie's Sand Tropez with Kisses & Bises layered on top.

Hyperion is a pale greyed aqua blue in a Cream finish. It didn't go on quite as smoothly as I'd have liked; it goes on a bit streaky and it does seem to pull quite a bit. That aside, it goes on opaque in two coats. It is more grey than Essie's Borrowed & Blue, and lighter and more blue than China Glaze's Sea Spray.

Though I am personally drawn more towards shades like Hyperion, Endless Night ended up having a better formula. Endless Night takes more time to get opaque, but Hyperion does this weird pulling thing, so you can see the nail bed underneath in patches after two coats. It's kind of frustrating, because the rest of the nail will be completely opaque except for that small patch. It's probably fixable with ridge filler, but that also means more work, which I'm not a fan of. The colour is lovely, though, and more original to me than Endless Night. In the end, both shades have their merits, but for $18, these should have much better formulas (Chanel's nail polishes are very pricey at $26 a pop, but their formula is phenomenal and their shades are very unique). There are a few good dupes out there with better formulas and cheaper prices.
4 comments on "MAC Daphne Guinness for MAC: Nail Lacquers"
  1. I think both of these shades look lovely. Too bad Hyperion is streaky though, think I'll give it a pass, especially since it'll cost double here in Australia!

  2. It really sucks that MAC costs double over there. :( It's because of the duties, maybe? I know that's why UGGS are so damn expensive here. :P

  3. I like the colors, but it looks like colors I already have. What I don't understand is how MAC can be so pricey and put out such a poor formula? Although I've had that happen to me with Chanel. C'est la vie?

  4. D -- I think it's mostly because MAC puts out SO MANY COLLECTIONS. I feel like they should put out less collections and just up their quality in formula, and just release collections with ridiculously, phenomenal products!

    I've never had bad luck with Chanel -- yet!


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