Boston: Day 2, City Exploring

Thursday, October 14, 2010
The majority of our second day in Boston was spent walking around downtown, exploring the city and seeing parts of the Freedom Trail.

We started at Boston Common...

Passed by the Old South Meeting House and some creepy statues across the street from it...

Walked through the site of the Boston Massacre and saw the Old State House...

Stopped by Faneuil Hall and walked around the Marketplace there...

And bought some random stuff in the Faneuil Hall Marketplace, including a fantastically oversized charcoal grey BDG tartan tote bag and a hardcover copy of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland illustrated by Camilla Rose Garcia (in the sale section for $2.90!). And then we went over to Starbucks for coffee and found caramel-flavoured ground coffee (I haven't seen this in Toronto and thusly, I had to have it) and also bought a super-touristy Boston coffee mug (because I'm a tourist who loves coffee and big coffee mugs).
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