Friday Five: Black

Friday, November 23, 2012
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What's your favourite black article of clothing? A tough question, as 99% of my wardrobe is black. Ultimately, I'd have to say my black satin crepe Wilfred Chevalier blazer from Aritzia and black Leggings Pants from Uniqlo.
  2. What's the best black food? In recent memory, probably the caviar I had at Per Se.
  3. How did you pass the time during your most recent extended blackout (power outage)? The last time I experienced a blackout was a few weeks ago, and I was just about to leave the house to go out and my garage door couldn't open. But the power went back on within a minute, so I don't think it really counts. The last time I really experienced a prolonged power outage was probably the Blackout of 2003, and I had been shopping at the Eaton Centre with Janetta. I think we just walked around Queen Street and took advantage of vendors giving out free food before it went bad. We were downtown for hours and finally found a cab that was willing to drive us all the way back uptown. When I got home, we just ate the rest of the ice cream in the freezer by candlelight. And then I read a book by flashlight until the power went back on around 3:00 in the morning.
  4. When did you last play blackjack? About a month ago, when I went to the casino with Jack and Ronsee. 
  5. What are some songs in your iTunes (or other media player) whose titles contain the word 'black'? I have a total of 27 songs with the word 'black' in the title. My top ten songs from those: 
  • Thursday — Jet Black New Year
  • Codeseven — Smell of Yellow and Black
  • The Black Keys — Little Black Submarines
  • Metric — Black Sheep
  • Taking Back Sunday — Up Against (Blackout)
  • Yeah Yeah Yeahs — Black Tongue
  • AFI — Bleed Black
  • Radiohead — Black Star
  • Sneaker Pimps — Black Sheep
  • The Cardigans — Little Black Cloud
6 comments on "Friday Five: Black"
  1. Yeah Yeah Yeahs were my fave band for like five years, until every movie and TV show started playing Zero for some reason. Black Tongue was a good one and I loved that entire album, which rarely happens!

    1. I don't think the YYYs were ever my favourite band, but I've liked them since Fever to Tell came out. :) I liked most of the songs from that one, but I think the only album I loved in its entirety was Show Your Bones. Phenomena is still one of my fave songs by them!

      You know they got mainstream when Glee covered "Heads Will Roll." :P

    2. Yeah! I secretly love Glee, but they mashed it up with Michael Jackson's "Thriller." Sort of ruined both songs for me.


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