Brick Street Bakery

Thursday, March 3, 2011

After I mentioned to Sydney that I had never tried macarons before, she presented me with a little bag of them at our dinner (that her husband had picked up earlier at Brick Street Bakery). Inside the bag, I found four different flavours, which I'm pretty sure were: pistachio, lavender, strawberry, and caramel salt (which sadly got smooshed in my handbag while I was on the subway). Maybe my taste buds were malfunctioning, but the pistachio and lavender tasted really, really similar. As in, I couldn't tell the difference at all, except the pistachio one had little tiny nut bits on top. That's not to say they weren't good, because they were positively delightful. Maybe it was just me, because all I could think was, "So good, nom, nom, nom."

The strawberry tasted distinctly like strawberry, though, and even though I'm not completely positive as to what the last flavour was, I'm compelled to say it was caramel salt because that's exactly what it tasted like. And, actually, I think that was ultimately my favourite one, with the sweetness and the saltiness melded together into a cute round little pastry. Either which way, my only question is, why the hell hadn't I tried these before?! Oh, man. Research time.
2 comments on "Brick Street Bakery"
  1. That was my favourite too! I'm mad that I totally ate that one first (haha, you KNOW things like that totally matter).

    I'm glad you enjoyed them! :)

  2. LOL, I know, because that's the one I ate first, too. :( It was the one that got smushed in my bag!

    I think I liked the strawberry the least (tasted too... artificial?) and that was the one I ate last. SIGH.

    I need to go macaron hunting. Have you tried the Patachou ones? I've read that they're a hit-or-miss, but everyone seems to be talking about them.


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