Friday Five

Friday, November 25, 2011
This week's Friday Five:
  1. What's a creature comfort (practically unnecessary) you must take with you on an overnight trip in the great outdoors? (Please consider a phone something that has practical necessity!) A digital camera. And my skincare products. I can go without make-up, but I cannot go without my moisturizer!
  2. What did yesterday cost you? Mm, nothing; I spent the day at home 'cause I'm sick. I guess cost of smoking?
  3. What was your excuse the last time you were really late for something? I don't think I've ever been really late for something; usually only ten or fifteen minutes, at most. And I usually blame it on traffic or construction.
  4. What was your first online purchase? I don't remember, since this was about a decade ago. Probably something on Amazon. I remember the last thing I bought online, though: a few songs from iTunes, five minutes ago.
  5. Which of your gifts do you think you do not put to its best, fullest use? My intelligence.
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